A Call to Invest

Recently, I have really discovered just how much of a burden I have for students.  I mean I always knew that I had a heart for students and others in general, but I don’t think I fully understood the depth of that burden in my heart.  The more I think about it though, the more I wonder why others don’t have similar feelings.  and I don’t mean why aren’t other people like me, what I am asking is why do we not focus on younger people more than we do? The burden I really have is that students (not just students, really anyone younger than myself) should all have good influences and positive role models in their lives.  Sometimes I think we (college aged and adults), don’t do enough to invest in the lives of those younger than us.  There are plenty of amazing people who do devote their lives to this, and honestly that may be where my life ends up going (who knows) , but I just believe there are not enough people in general who believe that this is a big deal.

In my opinion, kids and teenagers are the most important people in the world.  They are the future.  They have the possibility to change things.  The older we get, the less time we have to make an impact and to make change in our world.   I know it’s cliché, but really the next generation has a chance to change the world.  But that starts with us, that starts with our generation. We have to choose to invest.  We can be such a huge positive influence in the lives of students.  I remember being in high school, just thinking if someone older talked to me, or cared about me, I would be on cloud nine.  Eventually, I got that.  Someone invested in me.  Somebody significantly older.  That person encouraged me, loved me, walked me through tough issues; and it made such a difference in my life. I cannot emphasize this enough.  Kids deal with some crazy things, and not all of them have a good positive influence they can turn to.    What if they did, though?  Think about how things would change.  Maybe students would not slip into depression.  Maybe students would not look to drugs or alcohol for comfort.

My point is this: Just invest.  Invest in someone younger than you.  I don’t know what that looks like specifically.  It is probably different for everyone.  Maybe it means lead a small group in a student ministry.  Maybe it means tutoring a kid after school.   Maybe it means opening your house to students as a safe environment.  And honestly, I’m not writing this to Christians specifically.  This is to everyone in any walk of life.  Be a positive influence.  The world will be a better place. Just invest, however you can. Whatever it is, just do it.  Think about when you were younger.  Think about times where you were so scared or so confused because maybe you didn’t understand.  Let’s not let this happen.  Let’s step in and help where we can.  You could change a life, and that person could be the next Martin Luther King, Jr.  Or the next Oprah Winfrey.  Or the next Bill Gates.  And you could have the opportunity to help them become someone incredible.  Most students don’t fully realize what they are capable of, until someones see it, invests in them, and helps them grow.  So what are we waiting on?

We have the opportunity to invest in the future of our world.  Why not? What is stopping us?  Sure, life gets busy, and we have stuff to do, but make time.  Make time for somebody younger.  Make time to be a role model.  Make time to be a leader.  Eventually, they will do the same.  I am exhibit A.  Someone invested in me, and I saw the impact it had on me.  So now, its my turn.  My turn to invest.  Im sure somebody invested in you as well.  So now it is your turn.  I hope you will.

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